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 Dark Circles & Under Eye Puffiness

Dark circles and under-eye puffiness can be signs of stress or fatigue. Even when we don't feel tired or stressed, sometimes under-eye puffiness and dark circles can mar our faces. Cosmetics can temporarily cover dark circles to produce an even tone and texture. In the meantime, these symptoms can be treated naturally.

 What causes dark circles under the eyes?

Capillaries present in the dermis are more visible in thinner skin. Dilated capillaries in the dermal layer produce darkened areas, creating a shadowed effect. Capillaries dilate for increased circulation to remove excess fluid in skin tissues and bring nutrients to cells for proper function. Factors that can cause capillaries to dilate include cardiovascular disease and an increased demand from cells for nutrients to maintain normal function, such as to hydrate skin and repair collagen.

 What causes puffiness under the eyes?

Delicate skin around the eyes are prone to environmental and physiologic effects because this area contains thinner layers of skin. The bones comprising the cheek and ocular regions are cushioned with subcutaneous fat. The skin's elasticity and tone starts to decline over the years, due to changes in body composition and circulation. The face, neck and hands are areas of thin skin and muscle tissues, more prone to sun exposure and environmental conditions. Puffiness results when the skin tissue accumulates excess fluid from slight damage due to stress (edema). Excess fluid in tissues are naturally cleared by the body in time; healthy tissues with good circulation in the capillaries can relieve under eye puffiness.

 Why do dark circles and under eye puffiness appear as I get older?

As the body matures, the inner dermal layers become thinner due to changes in body composition (e.g., the insulating subcutaneous layer with fat is reduced). The cells in the dermis require nutrients to properly grow and proliferate. With age and repeated exposure to the environment, the level of nutrients decrease in the body and the level of free radicals and oxidative damage increase, creating internal stresses on the body to clear inhibiting factors in order to maintain proper function.

Free radicals
Free radicals form from exposure to sun light, chemicals, and even through normal cellular processes in the body. They are very unstable and will bond with whatever healthy cells they come into contact with, changing the molecular structure and even DNA of the host cells. Free radicals, along with other by-products and waste produced by cells, can be cleared through proper blood circulation in tissues. Essential nutrients such as vitamin A and vitamin C react with free radicals as a protective mechanism to prevent cellular degeneration. However, when decreased bioavailability of nutrients and vitamins cannot keep up with the accumulation of free radicals, healthy tissue takes on a rate of steady deterioration.

Oxidation is also the result of normal cellular processes, which serve to protect the skin against damage by regulating excessive growth in tissue layers. Oxidative damage is produced by an imbalance either in the process to clear away the effects of the environment (such as UV rays from sunlight) or provide nutrients to living tissue. Oxidative damage from the environment can cause a decrease in tissue formation and repair, usually observed by uneven texture and tone from a weakened underlying collagen matrix. Oxidative damage from an imbalance of nutrients can result in growths or thickened areas of skin or discolored areas or spots from an overproduction of melanin.

 How are dark circles and under eye puffiness treated? How do they work?

The area under the eyes is delicate and more sensitive to stresses and treatment. Edema can be treated with cool compresses or cooling agents to stimulate circulation (dilation of capillaries), much like treating swelling from a sprain. Cucumbers, cool tea bags, and caffeine dilate capillaries to clear excess fluid under the eye. Topical creams and ointments can contain soothing ingredients to promote circulation and provide nutrients to sensitive skin layers to support proper function and protection.

Under eye circles can also be relieved through topical formulations to provide hydration and nutrients to enhance circulation and tissue formation. Formulations containing moisturizing and hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, retinol and glycosaminoglycans can increase cell turgidity in thin skin layers and enhance collagen repair.

Complex A
Complex A is formulated to specifically slow the aging process of the delicate skin around the eyes. Complex A contains purified soy and rice peptides and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) that bind to free radicals and oxidative by-products that can inhibit cell repair. Complex A also includes KAVI's unique glycolipidic complex, a moisturizer that penetrates through the skin's surface for sustained hydration. The formulation of ingredients supports a balance in fluid between cells and essential components in skin tissue to enhance proper function. Herbal extracts in Complex A support microcirculation to soothe puffiness and irritation.

 What can I expect from treatment?

Transient reduction of puffiness and under eye circles can be alleviated with topical treatments. In addition to smoothness and improved tone, the following improvements can be observed after eight weeks of treatment with special formulations such as Complex A:

•  Reduction in the rate of wrinkle growth
•  Reduction in dark circles and puffiness
•  Strengthened connective tissue
•  Increased smoothness
•  Improved blood hemodynamics and microcirculation
•  Reduction in the presence of free radicals

In general, regular application of moisturizers and sun blocks is an essential practice to promote skin rejuvenation and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Maintenance regimens that include KAVI Anti-Aging Systems, serums, cleansers and moisturizers promote healthy skin rejuvenation following any treatment.

 How can I avoid dark circles and puffiness under my eyes?

Thin skin under the eyes can reflect your physiologic and emotional well-being. Regular and proper nutrition, exercise, water intake, and rest help to maintain balance and support the body's natural processes of regeneration and repair.

Though the thin skin around our eyes is an indicator of how we are adjusting to the biologic and chemical aspects of the world around us, our facial expressions also mirror our lives' perspectives and make us who we are. KAVI products are formulated to support overall wellness and rejuvenation, promoting both inner and outer balance with today's lifestyle.

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