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Sara Simkins about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
August 12, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This product has been a godsend for my son who has been battling cystic acne since the age of 15. After having tried or said no to nearly a dozen different treatment options, we thought we'd try this little company on an earlier suggestion from our dermatologist, and I honestly cannot believe the results I am seeing on my son's face and upper body. In 3 short months, his acne is almost completely gone, and he's excited to be starting his sophomore year in college with this burden off his shoulders.

I imagine results like this won't be for everyone, or KAVI would be a household name, but their sulfur bar worked for us, and I sincerely hope it will work for you.

Advantages: It works well, it works fast
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Allison Shadrix about  Salicylic Acid Peel:
August 8, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This review is for the 15% and 25% strengths. My last purchase of Salicylic Acid 15 (2oz bottle) lasted me about 15 facial peels, and I've been really eyeing the 25% strength for my shoulders, but didn't want to buy it and find it too strong. By my calculations, these new sample sizes should last about 3 to 4 peels, and so far, I'm 2 peels in and the bottle is about half finished.

If you haven't used a salicylic peel at these levels, I would definitely recommend starting with the 8 or the 15 to see how your skin reacts. The 15 does sting when I put it on, and it stays red for about an hour afterwards, but it has been working amazingly well for my acne. I'm probably going to buy another full size bottle of the 15 for my shoulders, however, as the 25 is just too strong for me.

Advantages: I don't have to make a big investment without trying the product first. Thank you for making these smaller sizes!
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John Wieser about  KAVI DermaWash S2:
June 28, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Best cleanser I've found for my oily skin. Started with coral kavi bars, but quickly upgraded to the liquid suspension. I use twice daily, morning and night, and it keeps my oily skin at bay without overdrying. Also lasts a very long time, at least 3-4 months for me, so you definitely get bang for your buck.
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August 25, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Though this was too harsh for regular use all over my face, I found this helpful for cystic acne that would appear on the rest of my body.

Advantages: Strong for less sensitive areas such as shoulders, back, etc.

Disadvantages: Was too strong to use as regularly on my face,
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January 14, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I am a 25 year old female. I never had an acne problem until I was out of college. (about 22). One day I noticed a lymph nod just below my jaw was swollen and the nest day my whole chin and cheek area was in pain with multiple clusters on cystic acne. I could not understand why it was so bad. I eat very healthy. I would make sure to decease stress. Wash twice a day but they would continue and it was a very embarrassing thing to live with. Its on your face! I am very careful about the ingredients I use when I try a face system. This program has so far been really wonderful. I have been on it now for about 6 months. I have to stick to the routine and sometime hormones come into play and I will breakout. But they are nothing like they were.

Advantages: Seems to really be working! No more pain, embarrassment, hassle of trying to cover the up the acne. I look forward to trying the Glycolic Acid Peels and see what I can do about my scaring. I will give the acne treatment another 6 months before I change it to much.

Disadvantages: My face tends to feel dry after washing and using the hydroponic acid is not enough moisturizer. I will use another moisturized in addition at night and a primer during the day before I put on make up.
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Stephanie Lauger about  KAVI Glycolic Acid 40:
October 10, 2015
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Wonderful product. Don't rush into though. Be patient and start with just a few minutes. I've found the best way to apply it is with a fan brush. You can pick one up at any art store for a few dollars. Much less product waste than using cotton balls or pads. Pour a few drops into the cap, and dip your brush right into it. You can always add a few drops as you go.

Advantages: Amazing exfoliation.
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Jeff Ackley about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
May 26, 2015
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This is the one product that helps with the ingrown hairs on my neck and acne on the side of my body

Advantages: the high amount of sulfur kills acne

Disadvantages: the high amount of sulfur can be a bit drying
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Lyn about  KAVI Salicylic Acid 15:
August 18, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I have been using this product for nearly a year now. I found this to be a little too strong for me to use weekly (and the SA 8 wasn't strong enough), so I started using it about once every 2-3 wks and also as a spot treatment in-between. Breakouts are a lot less frequent.

Beware, this product DID make me peel and it's not the type that you can just pull off. It cracks and flakes to a point where moisturizer/make-up cannot save you, so plan ahead when you use this.
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