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Sandra K about  KAVI Toner:
April 1, 2013
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I have been using Kavi products for several years and just recently added this toner to my cleansing program. Using it nightly after washing with Aqua Kavi and before the Organic Sulfur Suspension, I have been able to keep my Rosacea breakouts to almost none. After battling acne and rosacea for 30 years I can't believe I finally found something that really works. I just wish I had found Kavi sooner. Thank you for a great product line!!!

Advantages: Cleans my face without drying or irritation. Has a nice smell.

Disadvantages: None
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michele f about  KAVI Complex A:
July 25, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

it definitely reduced my dark circles, but after three months, it became too harsh for my skin. emailed kavi and they recommended taking a one month break then only applying once every other day. so far so good.

Advantages: it works, but i wish there were a milder version

Disadvantages: a bit harsh for the eye region
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Marlene Karol about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
April 18, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I was skeptical but decided to try after reading reviews and I am glad that I did. After several weeks of using I can see a difference in both my skin and pores. Highly recommend.

Advantages: Helps acne and appearance of pores.

Disadvantages: None!
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LeAnn Allred about  KAVI Salicylic Acid 25:
September 9, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Have to add.....after using this for over a year now, I have fewer acne breakouts and the ones that do occur are very short lived. Awesome product!
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February 21, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This is a great retinol product. Very nice and smooth consistency that is not drying. This is a great serum for sensitive skin, and it's been working pretty well for around the eye area as well.
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Angela Henkemeyer about  Salicylic Acid Peel:
April 18, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This product is amazing. I have used it a month now and these little white bumps on my face have been disappearing.

Advantages: Clears my skin.

Disadvantages: May dry out your skin slightly.
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Allison Shadrix about  Salicylic Acid Peel:
August 8, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This review is for the 15% and 25% strengths. My last purchase of Salicylic Acid 15 (2oz bottle) lasted me about 15 facial peels, and I've been really eyeing the 25% strength for my shoulders, but didn't want to buy it and find it too strong. By my calculations, these new sample sizes should last about 3 to 4 peels, and so far, I'm 2 peels in and the bottle is about half finished.

If you haven't used a salicylic peel at these levels, I would definitely recommend starting with the 8 or the 15 to see how your skin reacts. The 15 does sting when I put it on, and it stays red for about an hour afterwards, but it has been working amazingly well for my acne. I'm probably going to buy another full size bottle of the 15 for my shoulders, however, as the 25 is just too strong for me.

Advantages: I don't have to make a big investment without trying the product first. Thank you for making these smaller sizes!
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ann sanphillip about  KAVI Glycolic Acid 30:
March 13, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I have used Kavi salicylic acid for about a year now. It has helped me solve my problem with whiteheads and gives a brighter more youthful look to my skin, I use it once or twice a week. I love it.

Advantages: I'm 81 years old but you can't tell my skin has improved dramatically. I'm not shy about being seen without makeup because I look great.

Disadvantages: None
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