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Cheryl Widholm about  Salicylic Acid Peel:
September 14, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I bought this for my husband to use for painful acne he gets on the back of his scalp. He's 42 and gets acne mostly only on the back of his head right around his hairline. He's been putting the 25% strength on a qtip and applying it to the blemishes (right through the hair and onto the pimple). They come to a head after a couple of days, and then he pops them and they heal.

Advantages: Acne that would remain large and painful for 7-10 days only lasts 2-3 days after applying this directly to the pimple.

We're only using enough to saturate the tip of a cotton swab, but it looks like this little bottle is going to last us a month or more. What a bargain!

Disadvantages: None
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Elizabeth Nation about  KAVI Toner:
December 31, 2019
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This toner makes a huge difference in my skin quality. My complexion is much smoother when I use it regularly. My pores get clogged with excess sebum under the skin's surface and constant exfoliation is the best way to combat this type of acne. This toner is effective without being too drying.
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February 21, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This is a great retinol product. Very nice and smooth consistency that is not drying. This is a great serum for sensitive skin, and it's been working pretty well for around the eye area as well.
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claurab about  KAVI Toner:
May 28, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I found this product 2 years ago and have ordered it religiously ever since. It's the best toner for my oily & acne prone skin. I wash my face with a sulfur soap (from another website) and then follow up with this Kavi toner morning & night. It's not too drying and I've seen great improvement in my skin.
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February 10, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This has drastically helped my hormonal acne that has been resistant to other forms of treatment. It really speeds up the healing process and for me, also helps to fade dark spots faster.

Advantages: Works very well for resistant acne
Works faster and better than other treatments

Disadvantages: Dries out skin. However, I wouldn’t recommend following up with a moisturizer because it reduces its effectiveness. If it’s too drying, Apply a smaller amount, less often or when you don’t mind or won’t notice the dryness (eg at night before bed or just relaxing at home).
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July 17, 2013
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I've used this cleanser on and off for over two years (mostly on). I say on and off because I've tried to see if I can find a lower costing glycolic cleanser.

I stumbled upon KAVI while searching for glycolic cleansers online. I initially purchased a sample size. I had some kind of persistent "bump" that formed after a pimple and it wouldn't go away for maybe over a year. I noticed that it went away after using the cleanser. Along with that, I also liked how long the amount lasted. This has been a valuable complement to the rest of the products I use in my regime for my acne issues.

Before settling on Kavi, I tried other glycolic cleansers: DDF, Peter Thomas Roth, Glymed, Derma e, etc. These were either not very potent, or too harsh to the point of peeling and even burning and scarring my skin after several uses, or I had concerns about it exacerbating my acne issues. KAVI hasn't adversely affected my acne and doesn't significantly dry out my skin. I use a cleansing pad or brush when I wash my face and the cleanser cleans my very oily skin well. Even after seeking out less costly options, I keep coming back to the potency and gentleness of this KAVI cleanser. So far for me, the efficacy of this cleanser is unparalleled.

The absolute only reason I keep buying this is because it has been proven helpful to me. I'm not easily duped by advertisement and I don't use a product just because I "feel" like it works. I have to be aware of tangible, objective benefits.

After trying some of mine, my roommate has switched to using this cleanser after using the Glymed wash for about 8 years. She preferred KAVI because it was effective and less drying than Glymed.

The quality is very good and I'm glad that as individual buyer/non-professional, I have access to it.

Advantages: Potent, lasts a long time, cleans well.

Disadvantages: It cost. It helps that it lasts me a long time.
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Jason P about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
September 28, 2011

This is the only product I've tried that can actually control my oil levels. I've been washing 3 times a day and am amazed that it has been keeping the shine away. No other products involved in my routine, just Coral KAVI.
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Kay about  KAVI Glycolic Serum 30:
July 16, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

this product works wonders, my skin is glowing
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