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Alice Day about  KAVI Complex C:
September 21, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Another great KAVI product - this is my third re-order of Complex C. A creamy, non-oily serum that has helped remove lines around my eyes and plumped up the skin to give it a more youthful appearance.

Advantages: Expensive, but each bottle lasts me around three months.
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Ron Greenwood about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
May 29, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

When it comes to salicylic acid bar soap(YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR), don't be fooled by competitors

Advantages: Superior ingredients, abundent lathering, and clean rinse.

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Vojtech Vagner about  KAVI Enhanced Retinol 0.30%:
July 27, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

About 2/3 as effective as prescription tretinoin at 1/4 the cost. If money were no object, I suppose I would stay with my old regimen, but I like how well this product works for the money.

Advantages: Can buy without a prescription at low cost.

Disadvantages: Doesn't work as well as the Rx version.
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Param B about  Pearl KAVI:
April 3, 2013
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Does a decent job at moisturizing but perhaps Kavis standalone mositurizers would be more effective for really dry skin.

Advantages: Cleanses skin

Disadvantages: Not as good of a moisturizer for extremely dry skin
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Barbara Macina about  Aqua KAVI Sulfur Soap:
August 19, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This is the little bar that could. I have combination skin with seasonal rosacea breakouts and pimples once a month. Other cleansers either don't aggravate my rosacea but leave my skin feeling oily and acne-prone, or they clean my skin and give me a massive rosacea breakout. The Aqua bar keeps my skin oil-free but not dry and it keeps my rosacea under control. Very happy with this product and would recommend.

Advantages: Good for oily/combination skin with rosacea

Disadvantages: NONE
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Kim Watson about  KAVI Glycolic Acid 30:
October 4, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I've been using this peel for 9 months now and couldn't recommend it more highly for having more youthful skin.

My regimen: for one month, I apply once a week, then apply once a month for two months, then once a week for a month again. I also use the Kavi glycolic cleanser every night and the 15% serum as a moisturizer in the mornings.
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N Kenific about  Aqua KAVI Sulfur Soap:
January 24, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I have used both Coral & Aqua bars and love them both. Aqua gives me better results for my Rosacea but the Coral is perfect for Acne flair ups. I have found that having both on hand is perfect.

Advantages: Not drying and rinses clean. Great for Rosacea. Has a clean smell and the bar lasts a very long time.
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daleen simon about  KAVI DermaWash S2:
August 1, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Coral Kavi was the bomb for my skin until I couldn't use it anymore. No matter what I did (go from twice a day to once a day to every other day), it dried my skin and gave me more breakouts. On Kavi's advice, I switched to the liquid version, and my skin is stable once again!

Advantages: Works like Coral Kavi but not as drying

Disadvantages: Lasts about as long as three bars but costs twice as much!
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