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Haley P. about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
August 14, 2015
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This is the best product I have ever purchased for my skin. It has never looked better!

Advantages: -Visible improvement in skin
-Easy to use, virtually scent free
-A little goes a long way and the bar itself lasts a long time!

Disadvantages: -Can be drying if you don't moisturize properly!
-Only comes in a bar form, harder to travel with.
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Zhen about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
June 12, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

It cleared my acne in one day when the first time i use it. Now I use it twice a day to prevent acne. It is very effective yet gentle.

Advantages: It doesn't have strong odor of sulphur - very light smell which is good!
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Deatra M about  KAVI Glycolic Acid 60:
March 13, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I purchased this for my son's back - we have been using Coral KAVI for several months with great success, and have now added this strength glycolic acid to speed up the recovery process with the left-over scarring. The improvement has exceeded expectations from the very first peel.

Advantages: Great combo with Coral KAVI for clean-up/recovery after the acne is gone.
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Sandra K about  KAVI Organic Sulfur Suspension:
April 1, 2013
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Great product for keeping oil and pimples to a minimum. I use it in conjunction with the Aqua Kavi and Kavi Toner.

Advantages: Reduces oil and shine on my face. I can use it under my makeup.

Disadvantages: The smell is a little strong when first applied but goes away after a few minutes.
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January 14, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I am a 25 year old female. I never had an acne problem until I was out of college. (about 22). One day I noticed a lymph nod just below my jaw was swollen and the nest day my whole chin and cheek area was in pain with multiple clusters on cystic acne. I could not understand why it was so bad. I eat very healthy. I would make sure to decease stress. Wash twice a day but they would continue and it was a very embarrassing thing to live with. Its on your face! I am very careful about the ingredients I use when I try a face system. This program has so far been really wonderful. I have been on it now for about 6 months. I have to stick to the routine and sometime hormones come into play and I will breakout. But they are nothing like they were.

Advantages: Seems to really be working! No more pain, embarrassment, hassle of trying to cover the up the acne. I look forward to trying the Glycolic Acid Peels and see what I can do about my scaring. I will give the acne treatment another 6 months before I change it to much.

Disadvantages: My face tends to feel dry after washing and using the hydroponic acid is not enough moisturizer. I will use another moisturized in addition at night and a primer during the day before I put on make up.
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Alice Day about  KAVI Complex C:
September 21, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Another great KAVI product - this is my third re-order of Complex C. A creamy, non-oily serum that has helped remove lines around my eyes and plumped up the skin to give it a more youthful appearance.

Advantages: Expensive, but each bottle lasts me around three months.
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Jean Judy about  KAVI Glycolic Acid 60:
July 24, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I had probably spent something like $1500 getting in-office treatments for my keratosis pilaris before I had a light bulb moment and decided I could do the same treatment at home for less. After having had the treatments done professionally, I felt I knew the steps well enough to try it on my own, and I am so happy I made the switch. This KAVI product is the only one I've purchased, but it's exactly what I need. There has been no increase in new KP outbreaks, and existing lesions are healing at the rate I was hoping for.

Advantages: Strong enough for KP on the arms and legs without being too harsh. Inexpensive given the alternatives. Comes straight to my mailbox.

Disadvantages: None, but I saw a professional do it a few times before I felt confident to try it on my own.
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April 7, 2013
This customer purchased the item at our site.

The best acne product ever! ive used so many different kinds, you can name them all! This was the first one to work! I love it!!!!!

Advantages: Everything!

Disadvantages: Nothing!!! Amazing!
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