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Marlene Karol about  Coral KAVI Sulfur Soap:
April 18, 2018
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I was skeptical but decided to try after reading reviews and I am glad that I did. After several weeks of using I can see a difference in both my skin and pores. Highly recommend.

Advantages: Helps acne and appearance of pores.

Disadvantages: None!
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Amarilis Correa about  KAVI Toner:
July 27, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Discovered KAVI looking for a glycolic peel for home use and ordered this toner on a splurge when re-ordering. It is now my single most important skin product. It cleans my pores like nothing I've ever seen and leaves my skin feeling supple... before this toner, I didn't think you could get your pores this clean without a treatment at the spa.

Advantages: It's made with cucumber extract!
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Rita Dominici about  KAVI Complex C:
July 28, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

This is my favorite serum from kavi. I apply to my face, including around the eyes. I use it for fine lines and prevention of aging. It is a wonderful product, and I have recommended it to my daughter who loves this too.

Advantages: Shipping to France is fast and inexpensive.
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Cheryl Widholm about  Salicylic Acid Peel:
September 14, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I bought this for my husband to use for painful acne he gets on the back of his scalp. He's 42 and gets acne mostly only on the back of his head right around his hairline. He's been putting the 25% strength on a qtip and applying it to the blemishes (right through the hair and onto the pimple). They come to a head after a couple of days, and then he pops them and they heal.

Advantages: Acne that would remain large and painful for 7-10 days only lasts 2-3 days after applying this directly to the pimple.

We're only using enough to saturate the tip of a cotton swab, but it looks like this little bottle is going to last us a month or more. What a bargain!

Disadvantages: None
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Laura Thomas about  Glycolic Acid Peel:
August 4, 2016
This customer purchased the item at our site.

Thank you for offering these smaller sample sizes. I've been a customer for 6 years and have been wanting to try different strengths without having to buy a full-size bottle.

Advantages: Great, quality product. Made in the USA!
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Amber Whiting about  KAVI Salicylic Acid 8:
February 12, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I am so pleased with this product as a mask and a spot treatment! I dab a small amount of the product on my acne, and in the morning it is significantly less inflamed. When used in conjunction with Coral Kavi, this has helped keep my acne in check!

Advantages: Heals acne, and keeps skin clear with consistant use!

Disadvantages: Slightly drying, but this can be alleviated with moisturizer.
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Linda Elliott about  Glycolic Acid Peel:
January 5, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I love, love, LOVE this product! After just the first peel, my skin looks 15 years younger. No down time, very little discomfort, and near instant results. Will be buying Kavi anti aging serums next month.
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Jessica LaGrandeur about  KAVI DermaWash:
May 8, 2013
This customer purchased the item at our site.

I have recently been cursed with rosacea in my late 30's, and on top of that, back acne from sweating when exerciseing. I am pleased to say since using this face wash along with the toner my skin is starting to heal. I get what I call an "underground pimple". They are super painful and I always end up squeezing them, making it even worse, and sometimes scaring. I ended up getting the onset of one 3 days ago, and it's almost gone, also it wasn't painful. I started the system last week & was in the middle of a crazy break out on my chest, back, & face. Within the week it has cleared up;) I'm super excited to find a product that is true to its claims. My advice is make sure your skin is wet. Wet hands and disperses 2 pumps onto your finger tips. Rub both hands together to emulsify and in circular movements take time to thoroughly wash you face, chest, & back. If the product starts to get dry add a little water to your hands and it suds back up. My skin was litterly squeaky clean. I use twice a day and follow with toner and c complex & a moisturizer. A girl recommended this product to me and I'm so thankful she did. I hope my review can help someone dealing with rosacea.
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